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Produktschulung Englisch

What is a Workshop?

The idea here is a course in which the participants learn in the form of practical exercises or collect ideas and suggestions on a topic.

We are convinced that the best solutions arise from a multitude of good ideas and proposals.

Our Workshops are tailored and have a clear objective. We train your employees on one day, normally 8 hours or eight teaching hours (8 x 45 minutes) as desired, and prepare them for a particular project.

For example: A tour of the production area in English. Ideas and proposals are collected in small groups, actively discussed and transformed into a solution during group work. The result of this is the tailored tour of production in English for YOUR Company. The participants also receive basis material and field-specific vocabulary from us to contribute to the end result.


Für dieses Angebot sind folgende Durchführungen bekannt:
Termin Preis Ort Bemerkungen
Beginnt laufend Alois-Senefelder-Allee 1
86153 Augsburg